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Introduction: Bochasan is railway junction between Bhadran-Nadiad and Vasad-Kathana railway routes. It is believed that village was settled in Vikram Samvant 1352. Village derived its name from Buchheshwar Mahadev Temple. Bochasan played prominent role during freedo struggle. During Hediyavera movement, village was turned into military cantonment and Bochasan residents moved to other places. This was done as villagers were not ready to pay the taxes. Famous Swaminarayan Temple is located near river pond.

Industries: Village has 24 small and big shops. Economy mostly depends on agriculture, cash crops and tobacco. Village also has few handcraftsmen.

Chandrakant Mahijibhai Patel

ID: 89

8866095004 , 0261-6594158

Chiragbhai Manharbhai Patel

ID: 472


Harshadbhai Shantilal Patel

ID: 76

94 278 88090 , 02629-232114

Jigarbhai Sureshbhai Patel

ID: 478


Rakeshbhai Manubhai Patel

ID: 382

99 791 16959

Sanjay Shanabhai Patel

ID: 385

98 255 25265 , 0261-3066682

Sanjaybhai Jashbhai Patel

ID: 369

97 234 47115 , 9924363983

Sunilbhai Manubhai Patel

ID: 400

97 273 84351 , 9586904398

Vijaykumar Shanabhai Patel

ID: 259

98 253 16091 , 0261-2481292

Yogeshbhai Shantilal Patel

ID: 176

99 135 67488