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Introduction: 7 kilometers from Anand and one kilometer from Vadod railway station – first railway station between Anand and Vadodara in Ahmedabad-Mumbai railway line, is Vadod village. It is believed that village derived its name from Vadod-Oath. Village is spread on one square kilometer and its actual land measurement is 4787 acre and 65 Gunta. In 1945 Zankharia, Gopalpur and Vadod had common village panchayat. After independence, three panchayats got separated.

Industries: Agriculture is main activity of Vadod. Main crops include Tobacco, Potato and Banana. Village has 18 tobacco processing factories and one Snuff making unit. Bidi and Patti is sent to other cities by local villagers. Vadod also has timber factory. As Anand is very close to Vadod, villagers have developed business activity in the city.

Vijay Jagdishbhai Patel

ID: 380

87 580 28777

Pareshbhai Kiritbhai Patel

ID: 419

9157263221 , 2612510739

Nareshbhai Chhotabhai Patel

ID: 317


Maheshbhai Jithabhai Patel

ID: 368

95 582 95657

Kunal Girishchandra Patel

ID: 407

98 984 31488

Kiritbhai Chhotabhai Patel

ID: 132

97 269 79926

Jayeshbhai Jagdishbhai Patel

ID: 413


Girishbhai Jethabhai Patel

ID: 133

93 774 80 323

Bipinbhai Chhotabhai Patel

ID: 402

97 257 00316